Friday, December 15, 2017

Life Skills: Sewing

I think sewing is a very valuable life skill.  However, almost all of my Home Ec knowledge has escaped my memory. (#mommybrain) My eldest daughter had been exposed to basic sewing skills through a summer camp and was very interested in learning how to advance her newfound skills. For her twelfth birthday, earlier this year, I gave her a sewing machine and a basic sewing kit.

Since I was unable to teach her to sew properly, I hired a recent homeschool graduate in our community to teach her.  The teacher was able add a few more students and we had a great little class.  The girls met every other week to work on specific skills and creative projects.

I believe, as homeschool moms, it's easy to think that we must have all the skills necessary to teach our children all the things.  We can be hesitant to admit that something isn't our strong suit or we just don't know how to teach it effectively.  I felt this way about teaching my daughter to sew.  I really wanted to teach her and I was willing to spend hours on YouTube trying to figure it all out.  But that really wouldn't have been the best route for her or I.  Hiring the sewing teacher ended up being a blessing to all of us.  The teacher earned money for her living expenses, my daughter and the other girls learned to sew and made new friends, and I even had the chance to glean homeschool/childrearing advice from the teacher's mother while the students were in class (She is raising phenomenal children and I've wanted to pick her brain for a long time!)

This week my daughter has been sewing Christmas gifts for her siblings.  She loves using the skills she's learned to bless others.  I'm so glad I was willing to lay my pride aside in order for her to flourish.

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